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What's Chlorella Good For?

by Sun Chlorella 11 Sep 2022 0 Comments
Chlorella-Sun Chlorella UK | Wholefood Supplements-Sun Chlorella-benefits-chlorell-chlorella benefits-uses of chlorella


What is chlorella? As a simple answer, chlorella is a single-cell green alga - but that doesn't really do it justice. 

Here‘s the full story about this superfood loved by millions. 

Two and a half billion years ago - before dinosaurs  - alga was king. These tiny single-celled "primitive” plants took up residence in every nook and cranny on Earth and spent their time transforming sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugars. 

Chlorella survived numerous dramatic shifts in climate as the Earth went through ice ages and tropical lulls due to its tough and self-reliant properties. It has seen the arrival and disappearance of thousands of animal and plant species.  

Some scientists estimate the early forms of algae have multiplied into as many as 100,000 species of algae. Yet according to fossil evidence, chlorella has remained largely unchanged. Chlorella’s effective structure has stood the test of time. 

Chlorella's Survival Advantage 

What helped chlorella survive so long? 

- Chlorella is a single-celled organism, with a very simple structure.  

- Chlorella's chloroplasts are one of the most concentrated sources of chlorophyll on the planet. This makes it a very effective producer of stored energy through photosynthesis. 

- A cell nucleus with nucleic acids. Chlorella is one of the highest known food source of nucleic acids.[1] 

- A unique component, called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). CGF allows chlorella to reproduce extremely rapidly. 

- A supply of nutrients including B vitamins, vitamin A, lutein, vitamin D, and iron.  

- A tough cell wall that protects chlorella's interior contents. 

These characteristics, along with many more, have allowed chlorella to survive on this planet longer than most other organisms. 


A Supreme Superfood  

Interestingly enough, these traits also have imbued chlorella with the kind of nutrition that makes chlorella a superfood among superfoods.  

- Chlorella's rich supply of chlorophyll makes it an internal cleanser. Chlorophyll has a long track record as one of nature's best purifiers. 

- Nucleic acids have been associated with supporting tissue recovery and healthy aging. Chlorella's nucleic acid content may be a factor in how it supports cellular regeneration. 

- CGF not only helps chlorella cells reproduce efficiently, it also helps support the cellular renewal process. 

- Chlorella's nutrients feeds your body what it may need to perform optimally. It's one of the few plant sources that contains Active B12- the kind of vitamin B12 our bodies can use.[2]  

In order to be digestible, chlorella's cell wall needs to be broken down. 

What Is Chlorella Good For?  

Chlorella nourishes you like nothing else. 

Chlorella can help:  

- Support blood pressure levels already in healthy range 

- Supports your immune system  

- Supports eye health with vitamin A 

-Supports gut health by gently purifying the body  

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Chlorella may be a terrific source of fuel, and as the Japanese have already discovered, it's a lovely addition to everything from adaptogens to Sports Performance powder

So what is chlorella good for? What do you think? The possibilities seem endless. 

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