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Vitamin C Sources For Vegans & Vegetarians

by Sun Chlorella 13 Apr 2022 0 Comments
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It’s common for vegetarians and vegans to make conscious health choices, but it also includes being careful about making sure that you are getting enough nutrients.

For example, a vegan or vegetarian may need to know their vitamin C levels, as an animal-free diet may not provide enough.

So why exactly is Vitamin C important?

Vitamin C can protect you from several diseases, including chronic diseases and cancer. Taking vitamin C with antioxidants may also help to reduce the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.

Vitamin C also acts as an important support for other nutrients. For example, it helps create a protein, collagen, that helps with the blood vessel elasticity and skin elasticity. Additionally, vitamin C helps your body absorb iron to promote healthy blood cell production.

Vitamin C is one of many types of antioxidants. Free radicals are the result of normal metabolic processes, or things like getting a sunburn, or eating food with preservatives. An excess amount of free radicals in your body can lead to certain diseases and conditions like cancer and heart disease.

Without vitamin c, your body would be more susceptible to a number of illnesses, infections, and chronic diseases. In extreme cases, you could develop scurvy.

How vegetarians and vegans can get vitamin C

A variety of foods are high in vitamin C, including the following:

  • Oranges

  • Strawberries

  • Raspberries

  • Kiwis

  • Pineapples

  • Grapefruits

  • Lemons

  • Limes

  • Cantaloupes

  • Kale

  • Spinach

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Bell peppers

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

  • Cabbage

Include at least some of these in your grocery cart, and make sure to eat them raw whenever possible. The prolonged heat would destroy their vitamin C levels, so eating them properly cooked greatly reduces the nutrient.

You should search for vitamin C supplements, especially ones that come as ascorbic acid without anything coming from animals. Many companies offer automatic regular shipping so that you always have supplements stocked up.

No matter how you choose to ingest vitamin C, keep in mind that adults should have between 65 and 90 milligrams per day, though you can always consult with your doctor on the best amount for you. It’s difficult to consume too much, but some people may experience stomach discomfort if they do.


No vegan or vegetarian diet is complete without considering all the vitamins and nutrients that you need, not just the ones that you normally get from animal byproducts. These lifestyles are all about responsible health, so stay conscientious about every aspect of yours.

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