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5 Supplements To Help Beat The Winter Blues

by Adelaide Silver-Hill 02 Nov 2021 0 Comments
Chlorella-Sun Chlorella UK | Wholefood Supplements-Adelaide Silver-Hill-

Our mood is heavily affected by the seasons. As the days begin to shorten and the weather gets colder, it is common for our immune system and energy levels to be negatively impacted. A focus on good nutrition can make all the difference in giving you that extra boost you need.

Vitamin C 

One of the biggest mood-hoovers in the winter months is the common cold. For many years, vitamin C was considered the best supplement for fighting colds, but new research has shown that although it doesn’t reduce your risk of infection, it can heavily impact on the severity of your symptoms and the duration of the cold. Vitamin C is great to prepare for the colder months, and also if you’re already feeling under the weather. It can be found naturally in citrus fruits, leafy greens, bell peppers and berries, but there are also many great pill supplements that can be found that will give you the vitamin in greater quantities.

Vitamin D

The best source of vitamin D is sunlight exposure on your skin. As the seasons change, particularly on cloudy days, it can be difficult to get this essential nutrient into our bodies. Some natural food sources, such as fish, dairy and mushrooms, contain vitamin D; however not in high enough amounts to meet your needs. Vitamin D affects happiness, energy, bone health and immune resistance. To help beat the winter sniffles, vitamin D may be the answer.

Vitamin E and other moisturisers

For many of us with sensitive skin, the cold months can bring out some more superficial worries. Cold weather can cause skin flakiness, dryness, and itchiness, which can be both irritating and a hit to the ego. Vitamin E helps the skin to hold water, which keeps it looking plump, moisturised, young, and fresh. Consider upping your skin routine to include a moisturising ritual, paying real attention to the areas that will be most affected by the weather: your hands, lips, T-zone, and edges of the nose. Most common moisturisers contain Vitamin E.


Sun Chlorella

It takes a lot of energy to regulate our body temperature in the cold months, which is why our appetite often increases throughout Winter. Chlorella is a single-cell green algae, which is a natural wholefood similar to spirulina that contains a spectrum of nutrients including iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D and folic acid. Sun Chlorella supplements contain many energising ingredients that can naturally boost your immune system and energy levels throughout the day. It is an all-inclusive supplement that can be taken every day, often used by athletes to keep their energy levels up to the standard they need. 


Iron deficiencies are one of the most common mineral deficiencies among adults, particularly in women. Iron helps produce haemoglobin; the protein responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood, helping circulation, and regulating body temperature. Low levels of iron in the blood can cause symptoms of lethargy and fatigue, head rushes, headaches, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, and a pale complexion. Energy levels naturally dip as it gets colder, and your body pulls on more internal resources to regulate your temperature and energy levels. If you’re feeling fatigued, eating leafy greens, lentils, red meat, or peas can help increase your iron intake. They also come in supplement form in pills and liquids. 

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